Friday, July 09, 2004

upon reflection...

It has been suggested to me (hi, Pamela! :-) that calling Ralph Nader's Presidential campaign "pointless" wasn't exactly fair. And, upon reflection, I agree that indeed it wasn't. The guy KNOWS he isn't going to win but he's exercising his right (and duty?) to use the campaign to passionately advocate causes he believes in...causes neither of the mostly interchangeable "major" parties care even a whit about...and that is, when you think about it, probably the most patriotic thing that ANY of the candidates (with all of their blathering about their war histories and religious beliefs and whatnot) will ever do.

If the stranglehold on American politics that the Democrats and Republicans have is ever going to be broken it has to start somewhere.

Ross Perot was too egocentric to continue what he started with the Reform Party so Ralph Nader has stepped into the thankless breach as a Don Quixote for what's left of the political aspect of the American dream. Godspeed, soldier, give 'em hell.

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