Sunday, July 18, 2004

onboard the Enterprise

Last night my ever flowing dreams included an episode set on the starship Enterprise.  I'm not really sure what that was about but as a general rule I try not to overthink my dreams (those which linger vividly into my waking hours...I'm sure much goes on in my dreaming that I am consciously unaware of and, given the sometimes offbeat state of my psyche, that's probably, as dear Miss maven, convicted felon, and future jailbird... would say, a good thing.)
The Enterprise of my dreaming state was, of course, the Enterprise of Star Trek: The Next Generation...the best of the various Star Trek series (this coming from someone who loved the original series when it was first broadcast and who still holds a undiminished fondness for Kirk, Spock, Uhura, and the rest of that gang...still opinions will differ on which series was mileage may vary but this is my blog so here ST:NG rules :-)  I'm not sure what I was doing but I seemed to be in some kind of life or death struggle (which, of course, is the only kind of struggle they have on Star Trek) and Geordi and Riker and my main man Worf and the ever delightful Counselor Troi were all there (one wonders where Captain Picard had gotten off to but I'm sure he was off doing something suitably heroic.)
I'm sure that having a dream about being part of something...whatever it was...that is probably saving the Universe (or the Federation or some obscure faraway planet where everyone speaks English and breathes Earth-like air or whatever the heck it was) has some kind of deep psychological meaning...but, as I said before, I try not to overthink these things so I won't be pondering them.
I'll just contentedly live with the feeling of how cool it was to be on the Enterprise going boldly where no one has gone before and doing the heroic things that people on the Enterprise always do.   That's good enough for me on a lazy Sunday morning.

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