Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Governor Arnold

I don't think that Governor Schwarzenegger calling the state legislature "girly men" is really sexist or homophobic (some especially thin-skinned and/or opportunistically partisan Democrat even compared his use of the phrase to using the "n word" which is so far over the top that it isn't funny.)  
That said, it was moronic and counterproductive though...the Governor continues to try to govern by "clever" soundbite (and, of course, all of those soundbites come from either from his movies or from other things...like, in this case, the old Hans and Franz "Saturday Night Live" bits...related to his celebrity) as if getting an adoring audience to chuckle was an effective measure of leadership.
It is not a surprise that, despite Arnold's naive promises to the contrary, the state budget is weeks overdue and both sides of the political divide are digging in their heels for a lingering, increasingly bitter struggle.  That's business as usual.  It's also not a surprise that the Governor instead of hunkering down in Sacramento and doing some serious negotiating has instead taken his act back out on the road.  Arnold loves the roar and laughter of adoring crowds...the never-ending campaign where he gets to shake hands and bask in the glory and let the applause of the audience wash over him over and over again. 
The state is in the same unproductive, heavily mortgaged  morass we would have been in had Gray Davis kept the job but, thanks to a  multi-million dollar recall election, at least we've got an honest-to-goodness  movie star in the state house.  So I guess we got what we really wanted. 
But...are we having fun yet?

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