Friday, July 30, 2004

"help is on the way"

We didn't fall asleep during John Kerry's acceptance speech at the end of the Democratic Convention last night.  With the purposely lowered expectations that qualified as a homerun for the candidate.  (Maybe it was just my imagination, but it seemed like both his wife and his running mate looked bored and disconnected at times while watching the speech...)

And so back to the campaign trail for Kerry-Edwards...with both "hope" and "help" apparently being on the way for us all...until the GOP puts on their own carefully micro-managed pageant next month.  And then we will slog through September and October with, despite Kerry's somewhat disingenuous call to take the campaign to the "higher ground" (dude, that trick never works :-), increasingly negative back and forth.  (In this I am glad that California is not really "in play" which will, hopefully, leave the candidates to spend their ad dollars elsewhere.)

And so it goes.


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