Wednesday, January 26, 2005

the commuter trains

The man apparently wanted to commit suicide (it's said that he'd attempted the act before.) So in the cool darkness of a grey, rainy morning, he parked his SUV on railroad tracks north of Los Angeles and waited for a commuter train filled with people on their way into the city...on their way to their places of employment in and about the downtown area of the City of Angels. He parked his SUV on the tracks and waited for the thundering train to do the deed he thought he wanted done.

But, as the southbound train hurtled into view down the tracks, one of the better angels of human existence...the usually formidable will to live and survive...took hold of him and he left his SUV and fled to safety. And, from that place of safety, he watched (in horror one would hope) as the commuter train struck his SUV and careened off its tracks. Watched as the commuter train tumbled awkwardly off its tracks and collided with freight train on another track and into yet another commuter train going northbound.

The man didn't flee. He waited (praying for forgiveness from whatever God he believes in one would hope) while the authorities rallied to the scene. He waited, perhaps hearing the screams of the dead and injured, the trapped and the terrified...waited looking at the carnage his supposed wish for suicide had created. He waited until he was taken into custody by horrified policemen undoubtedly daunted by the task of comprehending the whole incomprehensible scene.

As of this writing, there are at least 10 people dead and 200 injured (some unknown number critically.)

He apparently wanted to commit suicide. He failed. And in failing he sent other unknowing souls who had no desire to die this day...people just living their their sudden, awful deaths. One hopes the bitter irony isn't lost on him.


Carolyn said...

Oh wow, that was terrible! I wonder if he'll be charged with __ counts of (pre-meditated) murder, (depending on how many die), being that that was what he had in mind if only intended for himself. If he is, would the death penalty be ironic!

My! Those poor people.

total said...

It makes you wonder why the bastard just did LAY DOWN on the tracks? Why did he have to be in his truck?

Unknown said...

You saw in this story things that I did not see. Thank you for opening my eyes to the reality of the story. Thank you for sharing your observations with all of us.

Georganna Hancock M.S. said...

According to the reports I heard, the man was suicidal and had already failed to kill himself more than once, even on the same day. He was feeling only his own, unendurable pain. Afraid to live. Afraid to die. Unbearable agony.