Sunday, February 20, 2005


Monday morning I go in to have my wisdom teeth removed. All of them. They're not giving me any trouble but I've been told that one or two of them are decaying and that all of them will give me trouble sooner rather than later. Having them all done at once seemed a good idea at the time...better to do it once rather than have to go through all of the discomfort again at some point in the future.

Maybe I should have re-thought that...but the die is cast now and I'm ready to deal with whatever I have to deal with.

Writing will probably suffer for a couple of days (I've been warned about pain and supplied with painkillers and told that I will probably spend a lot of the next few days being grouchy, drowsy, and, one hopes, asleep) and blogging may be non-existent. We shall see.

(One just hopes that whatever little wisdom I possess doesn't desert me when the teeth are ripped from my soon-to-be put-upon mouth...)

Ah someone said, perseverance furthers (but hey keep a good thought for me just the same, 'kay? Thanks! :-)


Unknown said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you. I will check back and you can let us know that all is well.

Wyrfu said...

Wishing you a swift recovery, Michael.

Carolyn said...

I hope you have no discomfort from this and can get back to writing soon. I so enjoy reading your work, although I don't always leave a comment like I should. Also, here's hoping the tooth fairy leaves you a big pile of cash under your pillow, or at least a good idea for a folk tale! ;)

P.S. Thank you so much for your kind comments regarding the loss of my dog. Be well my friend!

Anonymous said...

Wishing you a speedy recovery, Michael. I've had my wisdom teeth out and have to say that you're smart to get them done all at once. Take care! :-)

birdwoman said...

don't get too used to the chipmunk look, hopefully it will be gone quickly!


Harry said...

Monday should tell us how dedicated you are, as well as give us an idea how you write when drugged. :p

Good luck in "the other" chair.