Monday, February 21, 2005

Ouch (Updated)

Thanks to the wondrous time-warping properties of anesthesia, the multiple extractions were done a seeming blink of an eye after I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

Of course, now there are ice packs and bloody gauze and a general feeling of woozy disconnection (my poor numb lips and my violated jaw don't feel like they belong to my body right now.)

And did I mention the pain? To be honest, it's not excruciating, "please kill me now" pain...just a dull, persistent ache from a couple of the new holes in my head. We shall keep good thoughts that this is as bad as it gets. (The good doctor...a wonderful human being...has given me of which I've taken a few minutes ago...and hopefully the pain experience will continue to be mitigated.)

Thanks to everyone who've left good wishes and words of encouragement on the previous post, I really appreciate it.

It's a gray day here...the rain has been pouring down since the wee hours of the morning...and that suits me just fine as the after-effects of the anesthesia...and the coming effects of the painkiller...will likely leave me a gray shadow of my normal self (not always a ray of sunshine in and of itself :-) for a little while to come. We shall see.

Ooo...a nap sounds good right about now....

Keep smiling, folks (me I'll grin as gallantly as I can...good soldier that I think of myself as...and hopefully spend the next several hours in a glorious, relatively pain-free stupor...)


Mags said...

You're lucky. I had a friend who got her wisdom teeth pulled while we were in college, and they didn't knock her out. I think they just used local anesthesia. One tooth was particularly difficult to pull out that the dentist had to put one foot on her chair and one hand on my friend's forehead to steady himself so he could yank the tooth out.

Unknown said...

You are a real trooper. Thanks for updating us.

Anonymous said...


I had mine out at the hands of a Navy Oral Surgeon in Okinawa at the ripe young age of 21. It's a story I love/hate to tell.

Let's just say - local anesthesia, PO'd doctor (lesson learned: always walk away from an angry surgeon, regardless of the consequences), knee on chest, jaw on chest, and a month to recover.

Luckily for me a part of that recovery was spent in the Philipines, relieving pain the old fashioned way.

Good luck and speedy recovery.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the recovery.

It is much better having them pulled now. My last two went bad right before the election in 2000. On election night I was in severe agony and everytime I came around we had a new President. I thought I was going nuts.

The next day I made it to a dentist who gave me wonderful pain killers and an antibiotic to kill the infection. The offending teeth were removed a few days later.

Georganna Hancock M.S. said...

Yipes! I lived through that pain with a husband who did the same. If it doesn't get progressively better, don't be "brave", call the dentist quickly. Post-surgery infections or "dry sockets" are not good experiences! I only had two wisdom teeth, and had them pulled one at a time (I'm such a wuss!) with a local. No problems!

Me said...

Hope you get to feeling better soon. Having any kind of extraction hurts but wisdom teeth are especially painful.

Harry said...

Poor Jonathan. Poor me, too. I got his doc later at Camp Pendleton.

Good to see you made it through okay.

Tati said...

It makes my jaws hurt just reading the post - hang in there and get well soon!

Kat said...

Milkshakes. That's the #1 cure for what ails ya! Especially, chocolate milkshakes. But, maybe I'm biased...being a chocoholic and all.

Did you get to keep the teeth they pulled?

ella m. said...

Hope you're feeling better soon, doesn't sound like much fun at all :(

Last Girl On Earth said...

ouch... I'm cringing just hinking about it. Drugs...Good...very good! Hope you are feeling better soon.xo