Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Doing the Happy Dance

Five years, two computer crashes, innumerable false starts, and nearly 68,000 words later it's finally finished. The "it" in question is my first novel...which technically is now my second novel because during one of the aforementioned innumerable false starts I completed an entirely different novel...a sprawling opus that clocked in at an unwieldy 130,000 words... but this one was conceived and started first (it's chicken or egg, time-space continuum thing that I shant dwell on overmuch...)

Typing "The End" on this manuscript...entitled, in case you were wondering, Lives in the Balance...was an occasion of much rejoicing and doing of the happy dance (not necessarily a pretty thing but it was heartfelt and nobody was around to be appalled so it's all good.) Of course, my giddy good humor was somewhat tempered by the fact that when first conceived this book was to the first of a trilogy (the opening scene for the second book, Balancing Act, came to me a while back and is already written; the third, Out of Balance, has a title and notes about the final scene and not much else at this point.) But I'm not going to fret about that. This one is done.

I finally got it done by buckling down and finally taking to heart and applying the first three of Heinlein's rules and now, of course, it's time to follow through with the last two.

No time to rest though...every ending is a new beginning...but I shall indulge in a little happy foot tapping as I move on to the next major project.

As they say, perseverance furthers.

Happy dancing soundtrack of the day: "True Love" Toots and the Maytals


Vector said...

Congratulations! It really must feel great to have it done.

I've been reading your blog for a little while and I have to say that you do put down pretty readable text.

When you get to rule # 4, I wouldn't doubt that it takes long for # 5 to become true. I can buy one!

Anonymous said...

Congrats!! <"3 )~

Tati said...

Congrats! Must be a wonderful feeling!

Anonymous said...

Yay!! Now you ARE one of the cool kids! You are! You really, really are! Having a sense of acomplishment is an awesome feeling, innit? I gotta get me some of that.

Eileen said...

I will echo what Trish said you will have no problem finding an agent. You are one heck of a writer. Best of luck with it.

Anonymous said...

Word has spread that one of the finest writers I know has finished his first novel. For those who know you well (and I do) we also know you have several others in the can, perhaps on temporary hiatus, simply awaiting your pen (or in this case keyboard) to pull them out and to true fruition.

I cannot properly express my admiration for you and your talent. You know you have had and always shall have my support in everything you do and as I am always making new contacts I will start pursuing any possible publishers I might have access to. With a network as large as mine is, I can't see how I couldn't have a few (I know of one immediately).

I would love for you to send the novel to me so that I may read it. I remember you talking about it first years ago, and then of course the unfortunate technical difficulties back east. Oh, and by the way, I have hidden cameras in the family room and I caught your happy dance. Don't worry, I can be bought off. :-)

With Love,
Your ever-lovin' blue-eyed wayward prodigal son