Saturday, July 30, 2005

Father's Day (Part 1)

Christopher Robinson soars up into the gathering twilight, afloat on angel's wings and without an earthly care. And, when gravity exercises its inexorable domain and he begins to descend, Christopher feels even less afraid...he knows his father's strong hands will catch him before any harm comes to him.

Christopher Robinson gurgles happily in the soft leathery expanse of his father's hands. Jason Robinson, for his part, holds back warm, soothing, laughing tears that always come unbidden when his baby smiles.

As the sun slides down beyond the burnt orange horizon and the night sky cools from blue to black, Jason Robinson looks up at the gathering stars and back down into the open, trusting eyes of his son.

Jason lifts his son up to the endless expanse of the night. "Behold," he says feeling just a bit self-conscious but imagining that his voice carries the authority of James Earl Jones, "the only thing greater than yourself..."

Jason smiles at his own hubris and brings Christopher back down into a protective hug. The baby gurgles happily again, sharing feelings in a language that we all come into the world knowing but which is forever lost once the words and concepts of humankind are forced upon us.

Jason walks up the stairs of his little house and sits in the rocking chair on the porch.

As they rock, Christopher snuggles against his father...listens to the comforting rhythm of Jason's heart...and drifts into a dream world beyond adult imagining.

As they rock, Jason smiles and thinks about his father.

"My boy is gonna be something," Eli Robinson always said to anyone who would listen. "Not a goddamn truck driver like his old man, but something important!"

Jason never knew what to say when his father said things like that...he hadn't even been sure what it meant...but it always stayed with him.

"You're gonna have a good life, boy," Eli had told him often. "Find yourself a good woman like your Mama...make some somebody important...a good life, you hear me?"

Well, Dad, Jason thought wistfully, I'm one for three so far. He continues to rock his slumbering son and smiles contentedly. Maybe...just maybe...that was all that was important.

He looks up to the night sky once more. "Happy Father's Day, Dad."

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