Monday, August 01, 2005

Sleep Writing

Last night I slept fitfully for some reason. Not sure was humid but it's been humid, off and on, for a little while now. At some point...round about 3 AM (and yes I remember thinking about the Matchbox 20 song "3 AM", I very often associate music with things going on in my life...including and especially the seemingly insignificant moments) pages for my novel in progress flooded into my head.

Or at least I thought they did.

At this point, the separation between the dreaming world and the waking world was quite blurry and so the scene of me tumbling out of bed, powering up the computer, and, after my eyes had adjusted to the intense glare of the computer screen (did you know these things shine like the sun in the 3 AM darkness? Yeah, me neither...), adding 3 new pages to the manuscript could have been either a vivid dream or an unawake reality.

Stumbling out of bed (again?) at 7:30 after continuing the fitful slumbering for a few more hours, I had my first cup of tea and made my way the computer. Microsoft Word was open as was Soul Deep. But there weren't 3 new pages...there were 5 new pages.

Wow. Sleep writing. Unbridled creative impulse or troubling sign of an unchecked id? You, I'm just going to go with the flow (hey the pages flow nicely into the ongoing narrative and that's all good with me :-)

* * *

After reading over the pages, I checked the e-mail and found a copy of press release announcing that I was one of three inaugural winners of a biannual writing contest. New pages written into my novel while half sleep and now $400 worth of swag for another story...this writing stuff is pretty cool sometimes :-)

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