Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Blame it on Harry Potter

I just realized that it's been over a week since I last posted here.

I blame boys in novels...mine and J.K. Rowling's...for the absence.

I've been working on my own novel...a very personal story based loosely (very loosely...it is not autobiographical...except for the parts that are) on a specific series of events from my childhood...and have spent the last two days reading the latest Harry Potter tome (about which more here) and have had scant time to linger in the blogosphere as a result.

It's a strange and wonderful thing when words...the ones flowing from you and the magical ones woven by others...take greedy chunks of time with nary a care for whatever else you might want to do :-)

I come up for air...the city, wrapped today in sheaths of debilitating humidity and in seemingly endless waves of political turmoil, conspires to shake my concentration...and immediately look forward to (done with Mr. Potter for the nonce) to diving back into the sea of words trying to turn into Soul Deep (the working title of my novel.)

Perseverance furthers.

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