Saturday, July 09, 2005

and above all...

The sudden deaths in those in Iraq and Israel and any and every place that death comes on sudden, violent wing...could sap our will, make us surrender to fear. But they will not...they cannot...

Above this brave, wondrous, occasionally terrifying world...we need to hold on with all of our puny mortal might to something which keeps us striving forward.

And above all...when the echoes of yesterday and the storms of today and the portents of tomorrow conspire to assault the gates of our emotional fortresses...when they seek to raze the fields of our flinty courage and sow bitter weeds of fear and discontent...we need something that will stand firm in the most daunting of circumstances.

And above all...when the night is cold and the children within us scream silently into the darkness...when the children within us cry plaintively against the numbing fear that reason cannot allay...we need something to shine a light, a light to fix on and... dance with...until the next golden dawn.

And above all...even as the years weigh us down with cynicism and grief, heartbreak and too much (or too little) knowledge of God, Man, and the expansive, all-encompassing Universe, we need something beyond truth...something greater than wisdom...some even more wondrous than love...or faith...or keep our spirits high and our passions in perspective.

And above all...when the world seems to be spinning out of control...when "right" and "wrong" are concepts seemingly beyond our reckoning...when the spark of life seems to be just outside of our grasp....we need something to stoke life's flame and lead us further down the road toward a bright forever.

And above all...we need hope.

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