Monday, October 18, 2004

justice for all?

There is, it should come as no surprise, an imbalance in our justice system that is so glaring sometimes that it is hard to fathom how it can stand.

For example, the much-beloved "style maven" Ms. Martha Stewart is doing hard time in the big house (well okay, it's soft time in a minimum security camp that she could walk away from anytime she took a notion to...but that's not the point...) for a "silly misunderstanding" about a few thousand dollars while the Wayans Brothers are allowed to get off without any punishment at all after inflicting the mind-numbingly stupid and witless horror of "White Chicks" on the American public. How in the hell is that fair???

And Mike Myers is running around free as a bird even after the felonious assault he willfully indulged in by turning Dr. Suess's witty and classic book "The Cat in the Hat" into a relentlessly garish and decidedly awful movie.

(I guess that Continental Airlines should also be in line for some rehabilitation as well since they chose to present these two dubious pieces of "entertainment" to the captive audience...including yours truly, of course...jammed into their planes flying from my hometown to the great city of Houston.)

When it comes to celebrity justice we really need to rethink our priorities here, people! :-)

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