Tuesday, September 07, 2004

too hot

I will be the first to admit that there's no agreement on what constitutes "too hot"...some people enjoy having the desert wind sear their lungs while the indifferent sun beats down relentlessly upon their heads...but, that said, I'm here to declare that it is too hot today. It was too hot yesterday. And it was WAY too hot the day before yesterday.

It's September in San Diego and here, at this time of the year (as if to mock the children going back to school ), it's almost always "too hot" (at least for South California folk like me who find absolutely no romance in temperature extremes..."too cold" is no better than "too hot".)

It won't last...it never does. By week's end it will be temperate again and we will, again, take that for granted (we best appreciate things when, however fleetingly, we don't have them.)

In the meantime, the fans are valiantly working at keeping things cooler...my big yellow cup is filled with equal measures of Diet Dr. Pepper and crushed ice...and Jill Scott is the on the box (and she's cool enough to make things more comfortable almost all by herself.) But it's still...still..."too hot"...

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