Thursday, September 30, 2004

and the winner is...

The "debate" was, as I fully expected, just a joint stump speech event. The candidates ignored the substance of most of Jim Lehrer's questions and delivered the scripted, carefully crafted, vetted, and rehearsed talking points that they regurgitate every day out on the campaign trail. They might as well have taped their comments and let the TV networks run those. Lehrer could just have asked random questions to the camera and then a producer could just run random answers from the candidates...the effect would have been remarkably similar to what we actually got.

If the much ballyhooed "undecided" voters (I find it very hard to believe that anybody is undecided about these guys at this late stage of the game) need more to convince them one way or the other I hope they find what they need in the remaining "debates". Me, I'm opting out...wake me when it's November 2nd.

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