Tuesday, September 21, 2004

autumn falls

And on the morrow it comes...falling softly and surely upon us as it always must and always will...autumn. On the Equinox, day is balanced almost exactly by night and autumn falls softly upon our lands and, more importantly, upon our hearts and souls.

Autumn falls marking the end of the proverbial lazy, crazy days of summer with its vibrant yellows and sparkling sky blues and the beginning of a new, more reflective time colored with lustrous browns and quiet, burnt oranges and cool, crisp midnight blues.

Autumn falls and with it, the harvest and the golden harvest moon. And with it, a time for dreaming during long, wistful nights, a time for soft prayers of healing and wonder and thanksgiving. And with it, a time for endings and beginnings...bittersweet but not unwelcome for that...for cool sunshine and soft rains and the first whispers of winter's coming frost.

Autumn falls and we retreat and expand...we hunker down by our hearths and, when the spirit calls, we brave the brisk night air undaunted by the icy kisses of October winds or November rains.

Autumn falls...bright summer gone, dour winter to come in its time...and we fall... joyfully, guilelessly, thankfully...with it.


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