Saturday, August 07, 2004

another thing I wish I'd said first...

Four things come not back: the spoken word, the spent arrow, the past, the neglected opportunity -
Omar Idn Al-Halif

The above quotation is on the long list of things I wish I'd said first. But, then again, I don't really wish I'd said this...or many other wondrous, precious, thought-provoking things that have brought wisdom, great and small, to the bright and bittersweet seasons of my life...first.

Life is, at its most basic and wonderful, about learning. As we live and love and laugh and cry and breathe and dream on the winding path from our mothers' wombs to the light at the end of the winding, ever-challenging path each of is traveling in our own completely unique ways, that which makes the journey most worthwhile is our ability to learn.

To learn from our mistakes.

To learn from our victories.

To learn from our defeats.

To learn from our elders.

To learn from our children.

To learn from our heroes.

To learn from our enemies.

To learn from all those who have lived and loved and laughed and cried and breathed and dreamed with us and before us.

As my life winds on down the path I've been set on, I hope never to believe that I have all the answers...and I pray never to believe that I've run out of questions.

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