Friday, October 19, 2007

150 Words: Brenda's Reverie

(This being the first of a series of vignettes told in exactly 150 words. It's an exercise in brevity in storytelling engaged in mostly to challenge myself. "150 Words" will join "Blogs of Note" and "Talking with Bob" as an (irregularly) recurring feature of Bread and Roses. And, for the record, the words between these parentheses do not count in the total for the story below :-)

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In the middle of a boring day Brenda felt herself smiling humidly when she thought of Christian. The buzzing around her faded away as she remembered the way he pulled her to him and then stroked her hair as he was kissing her…roughly but never too roughly…before he left for his trip.

Christian wasn’t the one…Brenda knew that…but he was close enough to being the one to make his absence something that made her heart and her lips and her breasts ache with undeniable longing. In the confines of her four-post bed he was more than close enough for the time being.

Brenda drew in a measure of cool air and closed her eyes. Brenda lingered in the place of longing and loneliness…of memories of passions indulged and expectations of passions to come…until the telephone rudely shook her out of her reverie and dumped her unceremoniously back into her workday.

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