Thursday, December 22, 2005

Happy Christmas

And one angel cried…
and his tears flowed like diamonds
sparkling bright in the never-ending sky;
and his tears flowed like rain
sweeping through the generous beings
of all the gentle folk resting sure
in the arms of a blessed Christmas morn.

And one angel sang…
and her song flowed like thunder
gentle and proud on an ebon night;
and her song flowed like a symphony
echoing through to the hearts of babies
still near enough to heaven
to know that song of a sweet Christmas morn.

And one angel danced…
and his steps flowed like sunlight
on a crisp and clear winter’s daybreak;
and his dance flowed like magic
keeping warm all of the immortal souls
waltzing with the rhythm of the eternal
and the music of a wondrous Christmas morn.

And one angel cried…
and her father lifted her up…
and her mother held her tight…
and her tears ran like honey and wine,
soft and sweet and sure as the sunlight,
soft and sweet and sure as the promise of love
come true in the dawning of another Christmas morn.

Thank you for visiting Bread and Roses. I hope that you all have a very Happy Christmas and a bright and peaceful New Year filled with love, light, and laughter.

peace and joy,

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