Tuesday, November 02, 2004

wal-mart world

Last night I dreamed that I was lost in Wal-Mart. Not just any Wal-Mart but a Wal-Mart so massive, so expansive, so all-encompassing that getting lost in it was not only possible but, indeed, probable.

There were floors upon floors...cheap clothes, gaudy knick-knacks, all kinds of foodstuffs, endless rows of toys and games and lotions and notions and everything anybody could ever want (and lots of stuff they didn't know that they wanted until they got lost in the titanic Wal-Mart.)

By the time I stumbled onto the floor where they were selling new and used cars (at "everyday low Wal-Mart prices") I was ready to abandon all hope.

I escaped by chance...finding my way up a long escalator and out onto the surface where there were Wal-Mart model homes for sale (the realtors were all old guys wearing Wal-Mart vests and smiles so plastic that they looked like they would crack into a million pieces if you touched them.) I ducked out a side alley and escaped onto a busy city street.

I don't think I'm going to overthink this dream too much...the implications are a little daunting (and besides someone from Wal-Mart may be monitoring this publication :-)

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