Friday, November 05, 2004

raking leaves on a brisk autumn's morning

There is something very soothing and energizing about raking leaves on a brisk Autumn's morning. The trees...having turned color and begun to drop their spring and summer leaves in preparation for a quiet winter's sleep...stand mutely as their fragrant castoffs are gathered into heaping, inviting (especially for any impish child who might happen by) mounds.

Raking leaves on a brisk Autumn's morning fills and creates time reflective...time to clear the cobwebs lingering from slumber and focus the early morning mind (a time of the quiet bear for yours truly) for the tasks of the day ahead. The time is filled with little, lingering pleasures...the tingling kiss of the cool morning air on hands and faces, the rhythmic song of the rake capturing and corralling the patiently waiting leaves, the dancing crinkle of those same leaves as they find themselves joined together in happy claustrophobic piles, the fleeting waves and smiles shared with neighbors disappearing into the increasing bustle of the morning on their way into their own days, the anticipation of hot tea and warm muffins that will reward the completion of the task.

There is something very soothing and energizing...very calming and satisfying... about raking leaves on a brisk Autumn's morning...

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