Monday, September 11, 2006

slow dancing (you remember)

yes, you remember it all...

a dream in languid summer's time,
hot and golden and ever-welcoming...

a frantic journey to salvation,
bright red and soft blue and ever-welcoming....

remember? of course you remember...

the catch in your throat...the longing in your soul...
the staccato rhythm of your yearning heart...
you remember it all...

the touching, gentle and unassuming...
gruff and proprietary;

the touching, every inch of skin softly aflame,
simmering humidly in the moonlight;
the touching, searing wherever flesh
comes into contact with flesh...

too hot for heaven...too sweet for hell...

slow dancing just a hair's breadth
from the edge of the fire...

slow dancing just a heartbeat away
from being utterly consumed

(bring it on...bring it on...)

yeah, you remember it all...

a million sensations every instant
(how can this be?
oh, who cares?
it is what it is
and it's's enough)...

a million sensations, rough and gentle...
accommodating and demanding...

hard and and fiery...
all at once...and then one after the other...
and all at once again (how can this be...?)

religion found, unabashedly shouted to the night,
words lost, the inadequate languages of man
lost to inarticulately articulate primal telepathy...
sweet absolution in sweat and passion,
in gasped endearments punctuated
with involuntary curses, cries, and whispers;
the universe gone red and hazy...
soft and hard...smooth and hirsute...
wet and deliciously electric...

yeah, you remember it all...

like it was yesterday (maybe it was)...
like it was forever...

yes, you remember it all...

a dance as old as time...frantic and deliberate...
soft and sultry and slow...
her hands, his hands...her lips, his lips...
weaving sweet forbidden magic
anywhere, everywhere...

again and (yes, please) again...
over and (oh yes please) over again...

you remember it all...

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