Sunday, September 04, 2005


Thanks to everyone who took the time to leave a message on Delurking Day, I really appreciate it.

I just came away from the American Red Cross site after the making the promised donation for every comment (plus a bit more for each of my fellow other Delurking Day participants and a bit more to make it a round number :-) It was much easier to get onto the site than it was a few days back...I hope that is more indicative of increased capacity (or, more likely, the fact that so many have already given) than of anything else.

Special thanks to Ella (yay you! :-) and all of the others who participated in the event.

there's a blood red circle
on the cold dark ground
and the rain is falling down
the church door's thrown open
I can hear the organ's song
but the congregation's gone...
my city of city of ruins...

now the sweet bells of mercy
drift through the evening trees
young men on the corner like scattered leaves
the boarded up windows
the empty streets
while my brother's down on his knees...
my city of city of ruins...

now with these hands, with these hands,
I pray Lord...
I pray for the strength, Lord...
I pray for the faith, Lord...
I pray for your love, Lord...
I pray for the strength, Lord...

come on, rise up! come on, rise up!
come on, rise UP...

"My City of Ruins"
words and music by Bruce Springsteen
(c) 2002 Bruce Springsteen (ASCAP)

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