Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Peace on Earth?

Christmas is a scant few days away. A hope-filled New Year is less than two weeks hence. People all over the world are trying to embrace the spirits of the winter season...peace and hope, caring and sharing, light and love and laughter. And still the blood continues to be spilled in roiling, awful rivers onto the storied sands of distant Iraq.

Today's bomb attack struck while young Americans and young Iraqis were taking a break from the tension and the bloodshed to break bread...to catch their breath...to whisper soft prayers for the health of well-being of friends close at hand and loved ones left behind a dangerous world away.

Donald Rumsfeld may indeed be a "caring fellow" as President Bush proclaimed just yesterday but the war he and the officials at the Pentagon have waged has been a study in lack of preparedness, willful hubris, and downright folly. And the price being paid is blood. The blood that continues to be spilled onto the historic byways of distant Iraq.

And the still the blood continues to be spilled...

"war is over...if you want it...war is over now..."
- John Lennon / "Happy Xmas (War is Over)"

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