Monday, August 13, 2007


Hope is always singing…always dancing…always laughing and smiling…it’s just the way hope is. Hope is my hero and I want to be more like her…always singing…always dancing…always laughing and smiling…but too often I am not. I am sometimes more comfortable in my dour shadows than I am in the bright sunshine but that’s okay…Hope loves me just the same.

Hope likes to whisper in my ear and tell me that everything is going to be okay. I always try to believe her but sometimes the darker angels of my human nature hold sway and I find that I cannot. Thankfully, Hope is patient and she always waits for me to come around and she always welcomes me with open arms and soothing touches.

Hope always leads me forward...she has the power and persistence to push past my fears and foibles and show me the way to the paths where love, light, and laughter hold court. Hope…always singing…always dancing…always laughing and smiling…swears that she will always love me…swears that she will always be there when I need her. Even in my darkest, saddest moments that assurance makes the path from here towards the light that much easier to continue down.

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